Consortium Member Classes
During the 2023-2024 academic year we look forward to course offerings hosted by Pittsburg Theological Seminary (January Course in Eastern Kentucky); United Lutheran Seminary (TBA in Pennsylvania), Catholic Committee of Appalachia (TBA in Cherokee Nation [North Carolina]), Lexington Theological Seminary / Catholic Studies Program (TBA in Eastern Kentucky).

Scholarship Applications for AMERC Funded Courses
Scholarships are for AMERC-sponsored immersion classes only and are awarded based on the following criteria:
- Students from the non-host consortium seminaries.
- Students required to travel to the class origination point.
Students seeking a scholarship should send a one page request containing the following:
- Name of student and name of course.
- Mailing address (where the student wishes to receive the scholarship check).
- Denominational heritage, if any, including the name of the congregation the student is currently attending. (Your answer has no impact on your scholarship.)
- A few sentences stating possible ministry aspirations after graduation.

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